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CSS change request

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CSS change request Empty CSS change request

Message par eemeli Ven 12 Sep - 6:07

Regarding the site stylesheet, I have two requests:

  1. Could links be underlined? As is, it can be a bit hard to distinguish them from surrounding text.
  2. Could we add some indicator (like a different colour scheme) to note threads that are public rather than private?

Messages : 36
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2014

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CSS change request Empty Re: CSS change request

Message par Albert Sam 13 Sep - 15:40

eemeli a écrit:Regarding the site stylesheet, I have two requests:

  1. Could links be underlined? As is, it can be a bit hard to distinguish them from surrounding text.

I'l look into it -- but I'm fairly busy until tomorrow morning.

eemeli a écrit:Regarding the site stylesheet, I have two requests:

  1. Could links be underlined? As is, it can be a bit hard to distinguish them from surrounding text.
  2. Could we add some indicator (like a different colour scheme) to note threads that are public rather than private?

The public/private division is on categories and forums, not individual threads. I'll see if forums can be colorized. Light green background ("it's safe, you can talk (more) freely (than usual)") for private, light red ("danger, watch your tongue as you're being read by anyone") for public?

Messages : 207
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014

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Message par Alex Sam 13 Sep - 16:44

Sounds good to me. It'd definitely be nice to know in advance where you're posting and who's going to read you...


Messages : 167
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014

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CSS change request Empty Re: CSS change request

Message par patmor Sam 13 Sep - 20:07

Albert, correct me If I'm wrong but now 2 categories are PUBLIC and 2 are PRIVATE

So adding PRIVATE in the name could be a way to create a first difference ...

Messages : 229
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014
Localisation : Orléans

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CSS change request Empty Re: CSS change request

Message par Albert Sam 13 Sep - 22:58

Patmor, your suggestion would be fine if the problem was "to help members actively trying to find out which category/forum is private".

However, I think Eemeli's problem is rather "to let people realize, even when they are not trying to find it out, that they are on a public (resp. private) forum".

That's why Eemeli has asked for different color schemes, so that even people who don't pay attention get their attention drawn to the info. Your suggestion would not draw their attention much, as it would only be one word easily missed.

(Eemeli feel free to confirm or correct me, of course).

Messages : 207
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014

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CSS change request Empty Re: CSS change request

Message par patmor Dim 14 Sep - 6:27

I don't thing so, Eemeli wrote : ... note threads that are public rather than private

Threads, not Forum :-)

And anyway, i'm ( i was) not using Forums so much,  so colour is meaningless for me!

Messages : 229
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014
Localisation : Orléans

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CSS change request Empty Re: CSS change request

Message par Albert Dim 14 Sep - 12:23

patmor a écrit:I don't thing so, Eemeli wrote : ... note threads that are public rather than private

Threads, not Forum :-)

And anyway, i'm ( i was) not using Forums so much,  so colour is meaningless for me!

Yes, Eemeli did say "threads", and I noticed the use of the term, and I corrected him about it, saying that it is not threads, but forums and categories which can be made public or private, IOW, threads are public because their forum is, and threads are private because their forum is. You cannot specify when creating a thread that it will be public or not. But maybe I wasn't clear in my answer to Eemeli; only Eemeli can tell.

Messages : 207
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014

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CSS change request Empty Re: CSS change request

Message par Albert Dim 14 Sep - 12:33

eemeli a écrit:Regarding the site stylesheet, I have two requests:

  1. Could links be underlined? As is, it can be a bit hard to distinguish them from surrounding text.


Messages : 207
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014

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CSS change request Empty Re: CSS change request

Message par Albert Dim 14 Sep - 14:08

eemeli a écrit:Could we add some indicator (like a different colour scheme) to note threads that are public rather than private?
That one's going to be trickier. So far the CSS route is useless (there is no class or ID attribute that would allow me to distinguish public vs private forums/categories) and there seems to be no setting available for this either in the admin section. Maybe I can do something with puting members in a specific group and using this as a condition for styling.

Messages : 207
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014

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CSS change request Empty Re: CSS change request

Message par eemeli Dim 14 Sep - 18:05

Albert a écrit:However, I think Eemeli's problem is rather "to let people realize, even when they are not trying to find it out, that they are on a public (resp. private) forum".

That's why Eemeli has asked for different color schemes, so that even people who don't pay attention get their attention drawn to the info. Your suggestion would not draw their attention much, as it would only be one word easily missed.

That's exactly it.

patmor a écrit:And anyway, i'm ( i was) not using Forums so much,  so colour is meaningless for me!

Is there an alternative way of accessing this site? At least for me, the emails I get are just notifications with links back here.

Albert a écrit:Yes, Eemeli did say "threads", and I noticed the use of the term, and I corrected him about it, saying that it is not threads, but forums and categories which can be made public or private, IOW, threads are public because their forum is, and threads are private because their forum is. You cannot specify when creating a thread that it will be public or not. But maybe I wasn't clear in my answer to Eemeli; only Eemeli can tell.

You're right, I used the wrong term; I meant forum.

Messages : 36
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2014

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CSS change request Empty Re: CSS change request

Message par eemeli Dim 14 Sep - 18:05

Albert a écrit:
eemeli a écrit:Regarding the site stylesheet, I have two requests:

  1. Could links be underlined? As is, it can be a bit hard to distinguish them from surrounding text.


Thank you!

Messages : 36
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2014

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CSS change request Empty Re: CSS change request

Message par Albert Dim 14 Sep - 18:12

eemeli a écrit:
patmor a écrit:And anyway, i'm ( i was) not using Forums so much,  so colour is meaningless for me!

Is there an alternative way of accessing this site? At least for me, the emails I get are just notifications with links back here.
No, there isn't.

Note that there will be, as per poll results, a move of the public discussions to a mailing list, which will be open; the forum will host (hopefully...) more focused discussions on concrete project activities.

Messages : 207
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014

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CSS change request Empty Re: CSS change request

Message par patmor Dim 14 Sep - 19:01

( grr mon post est parti je ne sais pas où ?  .. je tentais donc de dire : )

Je passe en français puisque je n'y arrive pas anglais Smile

à Propos de PUBLIC vs PRIVATE

Ce thread, par exemple, fait parti de la Catégorie "Au sujet du forum / About the forum"
( il n' a pas de Forum ( ou plutôt Sous-Forum) dans cette Catégorie )

Si on ajoute PRIVEE - PRIVATE dans le titre ( bon je sais celle-ci est PUBLIC ! ), on a donc donc :
Au sujet du forum (PRIVE) / About the forum (PRIVATE)

Et donc le gars qui est dans le Thread peut voir qu'il est dans un espace PRIVE
Suffit d'aller en haut de cette page où l'on peut lire :
Worldcon en France :: Au sujet du forum / About the forum
{Forum} :: {Catégorie(PRIVE)}

ça marche aussi pour  les Sous-Forums :
{Forum} :: {Catégorie} :: {Sous-Forum (PRIVATE)}


Messages : 229
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014
Localisation : Orléans

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CSS change request Empty Re: CSS change request

Message par Albert Dim 14 Sep - 19:17

patmor a écrit:( grr mon post est parti je ne sais pas où ?  .. je tentais donc de dire : )

Je passe en français puisque je n'y arrive pas anglais Smile

à Propos de PUBLIC vs PRIVATE

Ce thread, par exemple, fait parti de la Catégorie "Au sujet du forum / About the forum"
( il n' a pas de Forum ( ou plutôt Sous-Forum) dans cette Catégorie )

Euh, non. "au sujet du forum" n'est pas une catégorie. C'est un forum.

Si on ajoute PRIVEE - PRIVATE dans le titre ( bon je sais celle-ci est PUBLIC ! ), on a donc donc :
Au sujet du forum (PRIVE) / About the forum (PRIVATE)

Oui... Mais c'est facile à louper si on ne pense pas à le chercher.

Et donc le gars qui est dans le Thread peut voir qu'il est dans un espace PRIVE
Suffit d'aller en haut de cette page où l'on peut lire :
Worldcon en France :: Au sujet du forum / About the forum
{Forum} :: {Catégorie(PRIVE)}

D'expérience, s'il suffit d'aller voir, alors la majorité des gens n'ira pas voir. L'avantage d'un fond tendant au bleu en privé vs tendant au rouge en public, on ne peu pas raterl'information, où qu'on soit sur la page, sans avoir à aller nulle part -- en fait, même si on ne voulait pas savoir, on sait quand même -- et c'est surtout avertir celui qui ne se posait pas la question qui importe, moins qu'avertir celui qui s'interroge et qui du coup trouvera forcément l'info.

Eemeli a du reste confirmé que ce qu'il souhaitait est bien un signalement spontané destiné aux inattentifs et non une indication à destination de ceux qui la cherchent.

ça marche aussi pour  les Sous-Forums :
{Forum} :: {Catégorie} :: {Sous-Forum (PRIVATE)}

Certes : si ça marche à un niveau, ça marche en-dessous... et de même, si ça ne marche pas à un niveau, ça ne marchera pas en-dessous.

Messages : 207
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014

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CSS change request Empty Re: CSS change request

Message par patmor Dim 14 Sep - 19:30

disons que si tu ne trouves pas la manière de faire ton coloriage, ma méthode sera mieux que rien Smile


Messages : 229
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014
Localisation : Orléans

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CSS change request Empty Re: CSS change request

Message par Albert Dim 14 Sep - 19:47

J'ai trouvé une méthode, mais je vais la tester localement pour ne pas vous faire faire des cauchemars chromatiques. Smile

Messages : 207
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014

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