Worldcon en France
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Introduction of new member

Kees van Toorn
7 participants

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Message par Kees van Toorn Lun 8 Sep - 9:45

Hello, Bonjour -

I have offered my help to the French Worldcon in 2023 bid as I feel it would be great to get the third Worldcon on the Mainland of Europe.

As for my qualitications: I have been to Heicon, the 1970 World SF Convention in Heidelberg and organised ConFiction in 1990 in the Hague, the Worldcon in the Netherlands. I have been visiting and attending convention around the globe for many years; work as translator and Publisher in real life and most recently produced all Publications for Loncon 3, the Worldcon in London. I have good contact in the publishing field and the printing business which helps to get good prices.

So, hence my offer to help and assist the bid in France! Do not re-invent the wheel. Use what is available, add your own identity and voila, there is the first Worldcon in France!

Be visible, be energetic and promote yourself whereever and whenever you can!
And most of all, believe in yourself. You can do it - if all noses point in the same direction!


Kees van Toorn

Messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2014

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Message par bormandg Lun 8 Sep - 10:15

Welcome Kees, thank for your help which will certainly be useful.


Messages : 140
Date d'inscription : 30/08/2014

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Message par Alex Lun 8 Sep - 14:11

Thanks, Kees, for the kind words Wink And welcome aboard.


Messages : 167
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014

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Message par Invité Lun 8 Sep - 14:30

Hello, Thank you and welcome,


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Message par Jean-Louis Lun 8 Sep - 18:11

Thanks for joining.  I have good memories of the 1990 Worldcon.  Best.


Messages : 31
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2014

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Message par Albert Lun 8 Sep - 19:09

Welcome kees!

Messages : 207
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014

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Message par Alain Mar 9 Sep - 16:25

Welcome Kees, and thanks for for any future help!


Messages : 41
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014

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Message par Jean-Marc Sam 13 Sep - 6:26

Hello Kees! Long time no see! I'm glad to see you here.

Jean-Marc Lofficier


Messages : 45
Date d'inscription : 30/08/2014

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