Worldcon en France
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Eemeli Empty Eemeli

Message par eemeli Dim 31 Aoû - 11:26

Hi, I'm a Finnish Worldcon organiser who's very interested in creating more connections among SF fans in Europe, and in making European Worldcon bids succeed. I was the Head of Hospitality for Loncon (effectively, the guy in charge of the "fan village"), I was and am the chair of the Helsinki Worldcon bids for 2015 and 2017, and I was acting as an advisor to the "Paris in 2023" bid; I helped convince Cécile to not compete against Dublin for 2019.

Effectively, I've been bidding for a continental European Worldcon almost continuously now for two years. I would be very happy to find ways to make sure such efforts are successful, and to make sure that (a) you know what you're getting into, as well as (b) you present yourselves to the larger fandom in a manner that lets them take you seriously.

I've lived for some years in Brussels and Geneva, and my understanding of French is solid, but my writing of it is isn't. Therefore I'll be posting here in English, but I'm perfectly happy to be replied to in French.

Messages : 36
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2014

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