Worldcon en France
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Jonjo Empty Jonjo

Message par Jonjo Dim 31 Aoû - 9:00

I am a Disney fan and SF. My first convention with the 1979 Worldcon in Brighton, England. I have Volunteered beens and co-chair of the British national convention (Eastercon) and Was a member of UK in 2005 Worldcon bid. I have a number of Organised as conventions in the UK Including Star Trek and Doctor Who.

My understanding of the French language is Virtually non-existent so please forgive me. I will be starting night school soon to help me learn the language. Therefore my postings here Will Be in English (with a French translation by Google Into - All Will All which of course make Many errors). If Those Who are bilingual Could Tell me of the errors so They Be OK, I Would Be MOST grateful.

I Was Approached in 2012 by a small group of French SF fans Who Wished to bid for a Worldcon for France and I believe in the project. Unfortunately this team HAS now disbanded goal a lot of work done and I feel this WAS Should Be shares information with others with a similar goal.


I am a fan and Disney, SF. My first convention with the 1979 Worldcon in Brighton, England. I WAS Volunteered and co-chairman of the British National Congress (Eastercon) and Was a member of the United Kingdom in 2005 Worldcon bid. I aussi Organized a number of conventions in the UK, Including Star Trek and Doctor Who.

My understanding of the française language is Almost nonexistent so please forgive me. I'll start night school soon to help me learn the language. Therefore my posts here Will Be in English (with French translation by Google - All which of course make mistakes Many). If Those Who are bilingual can tell me errors So They are correct, I Would Be very grateful.

I Was Approached in 2012 by a small group of French SF fans Wishing to bid for a Worldcon for France and I believe in the project. Unfortunately, this team HAS Dissolved now, drank much work has-been done and I feel this information Should Be shares with others with a similar goal.


Messages : 15
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014
Localisation : Cambridge, Royaume-Uni

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Jonjo Empty Re: Jonjo

Message par patmor Dim 31 Aoû - 9:21

Hi Jonjo

Tu as eu la raison de ce brusque changement d'attitude ?

Did you get any reason for this sudden change ?


By the way, it is going to be hard to maintain double translation in this forum ...
May be a specific sub-forum in pure english could be ok, specially if more english speaking members are joining us .. ( Albert ? )


Messages : 229
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014
Localisation : Orléans

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Jonjo Empty Re: Jonjo

Message par Albert Dim 31 Aoû - 10:02


I prefer avoiding separate forums for English and French language posters -- we won't be two subgroups working independently in each language, but a single group working together in two languages -- that's inevitable.

And if the Canadians can do it, we can. Smile

I do understand, though, that systematically posting in both languages is counter-productive. I don't have a good solution, and I don't have one apart from "read posts through Google Translate and post in your own language" -- both for English and French language posters.

If someone has a better idea, go ahead.


Messages : 207
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014

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Jonjo Empty Re: Jonjo

Message par Jonjo Dim 31 Aoû - 10:23

patmor a écrit:Hi Jonjo


There were many reasons, the team was small, just 4 persons and there were a number of circumstances that made them withdraw the 2023 bid.
Two persons had to leave France at very short notice to help with aid work and charity work.  One is now in West Africa the other in Gaza - both work for NGOs. 

The chairpersons daughter had an accident one day before Worldcon and she was in hospital for a number of days so her priorities are else where - family comes first.  That just left one person - and this was too much of a project for just one person to carry on with on their own.

Plus the feedback my wife and I  received at Worldcon a small number of French fans that were against this project  so they though it best to abandon the project.  The team was also very inexperienced and I think emotion got  the better of them.  Hopefully if they now see this forum they might be interested in being a part of it, when time and circumstances allow.

By the end of Worldcon the bad feedback we received from some very vocal anti French Worldcon fans changed and we swapped contact details and I hope we can now say we have become friends.  And so this is why I am here now.


Messages : 15
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014
Localisation : Cambridge, Royaume-Uni

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Jonjo Empty Re: Jonjo

Message par bormandg Dim 31 Aoû - 18:17

Just one thing about the feedback: I was not against the project, but against the fact it had been made public before the french fan were in it; not because I would have wanted it to be a french project, I just wanted it to be a project including french fans; some others, who couldn't find you in good time, were ready to help you to present your project to french fans, and Magali, who is in the same club as I am, sent you some mails but didn't get an answer. If the contact had been made in good time, this misunderstanding would not have happened.


Messages : 140
Date d'inscription : 30/08/2014

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Jonjo Empty Re: Jonjo

Message par Albert Lun 1 Sep - 7:29

I'd rather not see member introductions turn into topic discussions.
On the other hand, I'd rather not see any discussion on feedback about the previous 2023 bid.
(On the other hand yet, I'm not a figure of authority, so what precedes are only suggestions. And yes, that makes three hands, but SF/F readers should not be surprised by that).

Still, one word to support Georges' point, and a comment, then I'll be off this thread: I too was surprised by the 2023 bid, but only because the initiative was not known, as far as I could tell, in the French fandom. The rest (questioning the origins, intents, seriousness or capability of the bidders) was speculation sparked by this "coming from nowhere known" aspect. Speculation is indeed a cornerstone of SF/F but rarely gives good results in actual discussions on actual events and actions.

Jonjo: I'll repeat what others have said: the Paris in 2023 people are more than welcome to be part of this new project: they are, in fact, the ones who made it happen.

And now I'm off to today's other new messages. Smile


Messages : 207
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2014

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Jonjo Empty Re: Jonjo

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